To the Editor: As a member of her district, I am writing to express my disappointment withˆ Council Member Jessica Lappin"sˆ vote against the extension of term limits, which I strongly supported. Michael Bloomberg is the best mayor we have had in my lifetime (and I am no youngster).ˆ In my view,ˆ her voting against term limits was not in the best interest of city residents and wasˆ motivated by self-interest politics. To the extent that Ms. Lappin"sˆ vote putsˆ her in a less favorable position with the Bloomberg administration,ˆ sheˆ hasˆ also shortchanged our community. Theˆ main argument against extendingˆ term limits's namely, that such a move would beˆ undemocratic's was actually motivated by politicians who want a chance to run for office without having to challenge the incumbents. You blew it, Ms. Lappin. Long live Mayor Mike! Mike Marino East 51st Street Letters have been edited for clarity, style and brevity.