as an assembly member, scott stringer voted for legislation giving control of the city's public school system to mayor michael bloomberg. and as the legislature considers reauthorizing the plan, borough president stringer is proposing changes to address concerns that the mayor's plan lacks oversight and parental involvement. stringer's proposal would make the community education councils (cec)-there is one for every school district in the city-independent of the department of education. stringer argued that the parent councils should have an advisory vote on predetermined issues and a timetable in which to voice an opinion. the arrangement would be akin to how local community boards, which are regulated by borough presidents, play an advisory role in land-use issues. assembly member jeffrey dinowitz, a bronx democrat, is carrying a bill to beef up the city's parent councils. "we must provide a mechanism that allows parents to learn of the policies that are being developed, from testing policy to school construction, and give them an opportunity to comment upon them, even in an advisory capacity," stringer said in a statement.