SIGN LANGUAGE: 12.10.08-12.16.08
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) If human beings were completely rational, logical creatures, gambling wouldnt exist. We all know that the house always wins, and that nearly everyone leaves the casino with a thinner wallet than when they entered.Yet few of us can resist the lure of beating the odds, as unlikely as it is. I get it. Nevertheless, I urge you to steel your will and try to keep from succumbing to the sweet siren song of fickle fortune. Its even less likely than usual to go your way, so steering as far clear as you can is just about the only thing to do.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Ive heard red cars get pulled over more often than staid gray or beige ones.Whether or not its actually true, Im inclined to believe it.The real question is whether its simply because fire-engine red is more eye-catching than smoke gray, or because people who buy red cars tend to speed or otherwise bend the rules more than your average Joe. If I were one of those daredevil rule-benders, though, I wouldnt be so foolish as to drive a scarlet sports car. Id go with a nice boring brown carand probably get away with a lot more.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) The further you run in this marathon, the more the finish line will start to matter. Quitting in the first quarter would be much easier than giving up 200 yards from the end. I suggest looking as far as you can down this long road. Right now youre just at the beginning. It wouldnt be so awful to simply walk away today. If youre going to give up and go home, itd be better to do it now than halfway to the end.These things are not always perfectly possible to predict; nevertheless I reckon you can get a pretty good idea whether or not youll want to stick this one out. Trust your gut; if it says you might not want to put in as much time and energy as this will take, spare yourself and get out before you put in any at all.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) As if ending up alone would be the worst scenario imaginable, I frequently see people settling for whatever partner they can get. I dont know why a solitary life isnt preferable to shackling yourself to some idiot you dont even like much. Whats so great about limiting yourself to unhappy mediocrity? You of all people should avoid this scenario like the plague. If what youre involved with isnt fantastic (at least a goodly portion of the time), then its just not the right thing. I recommend ditching it, fastthe sooner you do, the sooner you can make room for something better; or discover that making your own happiness (instead of hoping itll come from someone else) is best of all.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Not only does lightning never strike twice, it but rarely strikes once.Thus putting too much faith in an event you cant control or even influence seems especially foolhardy, even for someone as traditionally lucky as you. Ive seen you pull some amazing tricks out of your hat, but this is going a bit far, dont you think? Even you cant pull this one off. If you really cant give up on it just yet, at least agree to not wait for it for too long. Give yourself a hard deadline. If lightning hasnt struck by then, move on.
Aries (March 21-April 19) Autumn came and went with a bang. To me it seemed like the trees dropped all their leaves overnight. I shouldnt have been surprised, Its a season, after all, and even in the crazy, shifty climate weve experienced the last decade or so, seasons are still relatively predictable. Can you be more flexible and alert than I was? After all, the change thats coming is perfectly predictable.You should be able to see it coming miles away, if you just look for it. Nevertheless, unless youre really ready for it, its still quite likely to catch you by surprise. Brace yourself. Here it comes.
Taurus (April 20-May 20) Over a relatively short time, a reasonably-priced washing machine will pay for itself. However, visits to the Laundromat only require a small outlay of pocket change, whereas purchasing a major home appliance will put a serious dent in your wallet. Ironically, the less you could afford a washing machine, the smarter it would be to buy one, since it would ultimately save you money.This is the kind of quandary youre likely to have to solve soon.Which will you choose? Figuring out a way to manifest the wise, long-term solution, even if it requires great ingenuity and resourcefulness, or simply settling for the easy but somewhat foolish short-term one, yet again?
Gemini (May 21-June 20) Knock your local bully down to size. Shes just a big fish in a little pond.Try to remember that, the next time she attempts to intimidate you. Outside of this context, there are many situations where shed be as helpless as a tadpole squaring off against a shark. Even if you dont feel like playing that shark, you can still keep yourself from being pushed around too much. Perhaps you can unlock the floodgates that connect this pond to the open ocean. Surely someone else will swim in and take her down a peg or two.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) Some faiths and traditions consider it bad luck to buy anything for a baby until its born. Historically, in some places and times infants were so fragile that they didnt even get names until a year or two after their birth, when their parents could have more confidence that they might survive. Similarly, I wouldnt invest too much emotion in your fledgling newborn until its got enough wherewithal to stand on its own two feet and claim a life of its own. Dont give it a name, dont get too attached, and dont cry if it doesnt make it. Its not a baby, after all, just an idea and there are plenty more where those came from.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Beauty fades, more quickly than should be possible. Feel sorry for those who have little else. You know who Im talking about; they were the lameass cheerleader and jock types back in high school.That was their peak; shortly thereafter their youthful good looks and athleticism faded and their lives settled into mediocrity.You encounter more like them throughout life. Dont waste energy envying them or wishing them ill.They are what they are. Eventually, their genes wont carry them anywhere special, and theyll have to learn, just like you did, some other way to navigate through life. Thats no easy task, and some of them wont manage it well at all. In other words, practice compassion, not contempt, for the pretty people you encounter this week.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Itd be nice if you could use every minute of the day to accomplish something useful, but alas there are times when circumstances forbid you from being nearly as efficient or effective as you could be. I know how frustrating this is for you, especially considering how much productivity you can cram into your average minute, when not so restricted. Hopefully this wont head towards the extreme where you are simply counting the seconds until you can get on to something else, but it might. I wish I could offer more than my sympathy, but theres not much else to say. Count the seconds if you must.They will passeventually.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Repeating your joke because you didnt get a laugh the first time is not likely to get the response youd hoped for. Beating this dead horse wont make it rise up and run again. I thought youd decided to let things go more easily than this, especially when logic and experience dictate that they arent likely to change no matter what you do. I believe youve mostly learned that lesson. Lets just call this a momentary lapse.Walk away from the ended equine, quickly, without looking back, and well both agree to forget this ever happened.