On the side streets of new york
![On the side streets of new york Photo: Lucas Vasilko, Manhattan Sideways](http://www.nypress.com/binrepository/550x432/0c0/0d0/none/3687262/RXIC/NEWS01_170809919_AR_0_0_NP1020170809170809919_MG4985344.jpg)
Ryan’s Daughter — 350 East 85th StreetThere has been a drinking establishment at this spot on the corner of East 85th Street and First Avenue since Prohibition, when it was a German club. It remained under German ownership through the 1930s and was officially licensed as “The Old Stream” until the 1970s, when it passed into Irish hands. It was renamed “Minstrel Boy” in 1974, after the traditional Irish song. In 1979, under new ownership once again, the name changed to Ryan’s Daughter, for the famous 1970 Irish film. Throughout, the spot has remained a friendly neighborhood watering hole. “This is a home for everybody,” Michael “Mick” Mellamphy said. He owns the bar with Jim Gerding, whom he met while working here in the late 90s when it was still owned by Stoney McGurrin. Stop by and be sure to go upstairs to view the Manhattan Sideways exhibit, which features dozens of small businesses in the East 80s.