Crime Watch

By Maria Rocha-Buschel
Repairman wanted for stealing petty cashAn employee of Bismarck Phillips on West 25th Street reported that a repairman for the company stole cash from the business Wednesday, Feb. 17. Police said that the repairman removed an envelope containing $1,140 from the petty cash drawer while he was installing a lock on said drawer. No arrests have been made, but police said that there is video of the suspect removing the envelope from the drawer.
Cab key stolen from driver on West 21stA 64-year-old cab driver reported that a belligerent would-be passenger stole from his taxi Saturday at 7:48 p.m. in front of 234 West 21st St. The driver told police that three women and two men attempted to enter his taxi and when he said that he wasn’t allowed to take five passengers, one of the men who was sitting in the front seat grabbed the keys out of the ignition and fled west on West 21st. Police said that the key is valued at $200 and no arrests have been made.
Cash stolen from safe at West 27th St. bookstoreAn employee of the Fashion Design Bookstore at 250 West 27th Street reported that money was stolen from the store’s safe sometime between 8:15 a.m. Feb. 18 and 9:15 a.m. the next day. The assistant manager told police that he locked the safe and left the key in an unlocked drawer. He had last counted the money on Thursday morning, when there was an envelope with $2,000 in twenties, and when he checked the safe on Friday morning, the money was gone.
Suitcase stolen by Uber driverA man reported that an Uber driver stole his belongings after trying to trick him into paying a higher fare Feb. 19 at 6:40 p.m. at the corner of Seventh Avenue and West 21st Street. The victim told police that he got into the black sedan near Penn Station and when the taxi began to drive, the driver increased the fare price and the victim requested that the driver stop so he could get out. The driver complied but when the victim attempted to retrieve his suitcase, the suspect drove away. The victim said that the property was valued at $6,350 and included an iPad, Bose headphones, contact lenses, $1,200 in cash, his passport, a camera and $2,000-worth of clothing. He said that he attempted to contact Uber about the theft but was unable to track the driver.
Man injured in fender-bender A 32-year-old man was injured while driving on 12th Avenue between West 40th and West 39th Streets Saturday at 3:14 a.m. The victim told police that he was driving north on 12th Avenue between West 38th and 39th Streets behind a truck. The truck stopped suddenly, causing the victim to collide with the back of the truck and causing a head injury when his head hit the steering wheel. He reported that the truck left the scene without exchanging any information and the victim was removed to Roosevelt Hospital.
Green card stolen at Sexy BoutiqueA 41-year-old man reported that his property was stolen while he was patronizing Sexy Boutique at 155 Eighth Avenue Saturday at 6 a.m. He told police that he was inside a booth at the store and at some point left the booth, along with his green card, security license and $60 in cash. When he returned to the booth, his property was no longer there.
Fur vest stolen from JoieAn employee of Joie at 429 West 14th Street reported that a man took merchandise from the store without paying last Friday at 2:25 p.m. Police said that the man entered the store and removed a charcoal fur vest worth $898 and left the store without paying. No arrests have been made.