| 02 Mar 2015 | 04:25

    to the editor: reckless bicycle riding remains the number-one complaint to the police on the upper west side. when bike riders comply with the law, they will earn the respect of pedestrians. but until that time comes, some of us will continue to pursue the possibility of licenses and other forms of identification on bikes. i believe it is only the completely irresponsible bike riders who mock these viable solutions to the pedestrian complaints. while we all recognize that cars are a serious problem, they do not detract from the other public-safety hazards that reckless bike riders pose. simply, two wrongs don't make a right!

    sam katz president, 20th precinct community council letters have been edited for clarity, style and brevity.

    to the editor: i disagree with the jan. 1 letter by ian alterman ("bike safety, in theory and practice"). as a driver of 60 years and (formerly) a frequent biker, i have had much experience observing bikers who have to share roads with motorists. they must turn their heads continually to see what is behind them, adding to their danger each time they do. i wrote to new jersey traffic authorities years ago to say that bicycle lanes should move in the opposite direction from auto traffic. that way, the bikers and the automobile drivers have one another continually in sight-a much safer situation in my opinion. i suspect traffic authorities travel in their own cars or in state limousines. robert sonin east 79th street letters have been edited for clarity, style and brevity.