Want to help out with the hurricane relief effort but not sure how? Below are links to volunteer opportunities around the city as well as places accepting donations of blankets, batteries and nonperishable items. You can also consider [donating money](https://www.nyc.gov/html/fund/html/donate/donate.shtml) or blood at redcrossblood.org. [List of blood drives in NYC](http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/10/30/hurricane-sandy-red-cross-social-media_n_2045955.html#41_new-york-blood-drives-today) [JCorps Volunteering Lower Manhattan](http://us1.campaign-archive2.com/?u=f9ee7eeb56b935b27de841cb1&id=67dbac40e2) [Help Stuyvesant Cove Park rebuild this weekend](http://www.solar1.org/help-stuyvesant-cove-park-and-solar-one-rebuild/) [Donate or volunteer at a NYC soup kitchen](http://www.nycservice.org/) [Places to help out in Brooklyn](http://brokelyn.com/where-to-volunteer-this-weekend/)
Harlem: Residence 47 St Nicholas Avenue, #4D between 112 and 113 (volunteering & donation) 938 St Nicholas Avenue, #25 corner of 157th and St Nicholas Avenue (volunteering & donation)
Downtown/Lower East Side: [Community Access](donate & contact online for information) [Lower East Side Recovers](https://lowereastside.recovers.org/)(check website for information) [CAAAV ](http://caaav.org/update-on-caaavs-efforts-post-hurricane-sandy-volunteer-and-donate)46 Hester Street, Frnt A 212-473-6485 (drop-off for food, water, batteries, clothing) [The Bowery Mission ](http://www.bowery.org/)45-51 Avenue D, 212-777-3424(drop-off for food, water, batteries, clothing)
Upper East Side: [Rockaway Relief]85th & 2nd Ave at Molly Pitcher's bar (accepting a variety of donations)
Upper West Side: Brandeis High School on West 84th Street (overnight volunteers) BJ Synagoguge 88th Street Sanctuary at 257 West 88th Street, Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m(donations ofbottled water, non-perishable kosher food, toiletries, batteries, radios and blankets) BJ Office at 2109 Broadway, Thursday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. or Friday from 9 a.m. to noon(donations ofbottled water, non-perishable kosher food, toiletries, batteries, radios and blankets) -Compiled by Alissa Fleck