Use Your Slurs While You Can

| 11 Nov 2014 | 01:41

    Encouraged by the wild success of this year’s earlier motion to symbolically [ban the “n-word,”] city lawmakers are now hoping [strike “bitch” and “ho”]( from New Yorkers’ vocabulary. We’re not sure if it’s more intolerant to target such terms, or to use them. After the [Don Imus incident]( last spring, it seems Councilwoman Darlene Mealy (D-Brooklyn) is inspired to forbid the use of the two sexist slurs. Of course, bare in mind that these prohibitions aren’t legally enforceable—just a way to call attention to the issue, clog city council and encourage the music industry and youngsters to learn more eloquent words with which to express themselves. But not to worry; officials will be able to get back to more important issues, like [noise control](, shortly. “I feel [this should be it](, these three and no more,” Mealy said. We’re sure that’s quite comforting to all the other groups out there that also enjoy being the target of various vitriolic slurs.