The Multi Cult

| 16 Feb 2015 | 05:25

    The three best essays I've read since the outrage have been Scott McConnell's in the Oct. 10 issue, and Carol Iannone's the following week, both in "Top Drawer." John O'Sullivan's in the Oct.15 issue of National Review completes the troika. McConnell wrote about the "immigrationist" theology, and how it is now bipartisan and rooted in both liberal and conservative establishments. ("Belief in this creed is most widespread on the neoconservative right...") Iannone asked how it happened, "How did the?bastion of exceptionalism, exempt from the curse of history?become the scene of one of the most hideously bedeviled conflicts of all time?" By embracing diversity as a national goal.

    O'Sullivan's take was on what he called "counter-tribalism," a form of intellectual snobbery practiced by those elite in, say, Ivy League universities, who see the patriotism of ordinary people as "something simplistic, vulgar and shameful, and thus to be avoided." Hear, hear, for all three writers.

    Let's face it, the blame-America-first crowd has been in the driver's seat since the 60s. O'Sullivan points out that America is the first nation with a dissident ruling class. In other words, elites in government, the media, in the courts, among the clergy and even business have gone along with the idea that the American people are racist, sexist and homophobic. (I should have known something was very wrong when in 1968 I went to Henry Ford II, then CEO of the car company, and asked him to advertise in National Review. "But it's too conservative," said the numero-uno capitalist in America while turning me down, confirming Lenin's depiction of such types as useful idiots.)

    Yet it was a conservative president who brought the Soviet Union down, something American elites will never forgive him for. As John Leo noted, for the past 40 years conservatives have entered the private sector, while the lazy antiwar, anti-America intellectuals have flocked to college campuses. These race-zealots have defined themselves for years with the rhetoric of the left, and are now part of the "America had it coming" mob. They've been poisoning young minds with Marxist claptrap with mullah-like fervor.

    Diversity is one of the key words in the cult of the Third World, also known as multiculturalism. Multiculturalism, we are told, is a wonderful thing. What I'd like to know is why, if it's so wonderful, do we need sprawling and intrusive Soviet-style bureaucracy to force people to like it? If diversity is so wonderful, surely people would be demanding more of it. But they do not want more; in fact quite the reverse. Yet our politicians never miss an opportunity to declare how wonderful it is. The truth is that on no other subject do people's public statements differ so strikingly from what they say in private.

    In the aftermath of Sept. 11, this surely must change. Back in the 60s, most white Americans would have deemed it inconceivable that one day they would be routinely persecuted in the name of affirmative action, diversity and equal opportunity. Now they accept it as normal, the way we accept the common cold, death and taxes. What we need to accept now is the fact that multicultural madness has made things far too easy for the terrorists. For in the name of multiculturalism, we have abandoned any form of immigration controls, just as in the name of political correctness we have allowed feminism to influence recruitment, selection and promotion in the armed forces.

    Most of the terrorists who attacked on Sept. 11 entered the country with valid temporary or student visas. Once past immigration they disappeared, unmonitored, into our multicultural society. I find it inexplicable that we are allied with Israel against certain Muslim states and yet we keep our borders open to Muslim immigrants. The sad truth is that both Europe and America are being intentionally flooded with unassimilable Third World people in order to destroy our homogeneity.

    For far too long we have allowed a fifth column in our schools and universities to undermine our history and ridicule our great warriors and leaders. Camouflaged as the brotherhood of man, multiculturalism is in reality the culture of hate and intolerance. Mark my words: Before President Bush is done dealing with terrorism, more and more cowardly voices will be raised by multiculturalists demanding understanding, compassion, tolerance, inclusiveness, forgiveness and so on.

    What I propose is an immediate and permanent restriction on all further immigration from Muslim countries, including students whose ranks are filled with sleeper agents. In fact, an immediate and permanent restriction on all further immigration from the Third World, as well as China.

    If any of this sounds over the top, it means you've been brainwashed already. There's a worldwide community of believers that Al Qaeda hopes to enlist in a holy war against us. For the first time in our history we are confronting the real terrorist mentality?the desire to totally destroy us. Are we to listen to the multiculturalist elite and put up the white flag, or deal with it like men?