Romney's Big Day

| 11 Nov 2014 | 01:18

    How do you make sure you'll be taken seriously come the presidential primary season? [Raise a ton of money in one day].

    That was what former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, a Republican seeking the 2008 presidential nod, let it be known today that his campaign is for real. Romney raised more than $1 million during a phone-a-thon in Boston just hours ago, an event no doubt organized to inspire press coverage like this.

    "Money talks, but early money screams," said Romney's finance director, Spencer Zwick, to the Boston Globe following the event.

    UPDATE: An observer writes in to [note] that, by the end of the day, Romeny had raised $6.5 million total. That observer also gleefully notes that the number is twice the amount raised by Arizona Senator John McCain and former Mayor Rudy Giuliani combined.