Recapping the CW's Ringer: Episode 13

| 02 Mar 2015 | 04:46

    Bridget is still on the hunt for answers about Siobhan's secret life and motives and seems to be getting them with the help of Siobhan's ex driver who has been taking her to secret locations. First stop, Siobhan's secret office in Harlem. While there, Bridget finds a mysterious key which only feeds her curiosity. Eventually, she hires the driver-who is ex-military-to be her personal security when she realises that she is still not safe.

    The real Siobhan is continuing to tell Henry half-truths about her motives for switching lives with Bridget. She informs him that she knows a secret about Andrew that could destroy him. But, due to their iron-clad pre-nup agreement, if she is to file for divorce, she would receive nothing so she is forced to extort him in the hopes that she and Henry will be able to run away together with their baby. All that she needs is, of course, the key Bridget took from her office. She eventually retrieves the key and plays Henry what we can only assume is an incriminating tape of Andrew.

    Meanwhile in one of the biggest turns of the season, Juliet has a major secret revealed. With the support of her parents and Siobhan, Juliet is going over her testimony against Mr. Carpenter, the teacher who allegedly sexually assaulted her. But when Britta, the other key witness in the trial admits that her statement to the police was a lie, the case is dropped and worse, Mr. Carpenter is counter-suing for millions of dollars for defamation. Eventually, Andrew agrees to settle in the hopes of giving Juliet a fresh start. Little did everyone know however, that Juliet, Britta and Mr. Carpenter were in cahoots the whole time in a complicated, and messy attempt to extort money from Andrew. In one of the biggest twists of the season, it worked.

    We're over halfway through the season, but how much more complicated can it get?