Rather Sexist?

| 11 Nov 2014 | 01:36

    [Don Imus], [Opie and Anthony](http://www.nypress.com/blogx/display_blog.cfm?bid=39984089), and…Dan Rather? The former CBS News heavyweight has landed himself in the eye of his own media storm. Rather’s former boss [slammed the anchor](http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19193160/) Tuesday, calling his remarks that the network tried to “tart up” its image by hiring former "Today Show" host Katie Couric as his replacement “sexist.”

    The sparring began Monday when Rather accused [CBS of dumbing down] its evening news by focusing more on celebrity gossip than the war: “The mistake was to try to bring the ‘Today Show’ ethos to the evening news and to dumb it down, tart it up in hopes of attracting a younger audience,” he said during a phone interview with MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” Scarborough. (But, what about Paris Hilton? Nicole Richie?  And Anna Nicole’s baby? You mean that’s not real news?)

    CBS chief executive Leslie Moonves fired back Tuesday, calling Rather’s remarks sexist in nature. “She’s been on the air for nine months. Let’s give her a break,” Moonves said in defense of Couric and the show’s [paltry ratings] since the former morning mainstay took the reigns. The CBS newscast now ranks a distant third in the ratings race, and last month [set the record](http://www.bloggingstocks.com/2007/05/09/katie-couric-draws-worst-news-ratings-for-cbs-since-1987/) for its least-watched broadcast in twenty years—only to break the record again just a week later.

    But Rather insists that his comments were directed at CBS management, and not at Couric personally. “It doesn’t have to do with Katie, it doesn’t have to do with gender,” he said during a late appearance Tuesday on Fox News’ “Your World with Neil Cavuto.” Rather also charged back at his former employer, questioning Moonves’ qualifications. Moonves “knows about entertainment, but he doesn’t know about the news,” Rather said.

    But really, Rather’s just asking the question we’d all like to know, who’s idea was it to dip Katie in a vat of Cheetos? Regardless, we’re sure E! will find her a home when CBS realizes people do value at least one celebrity-free hour out of 24.