Plan B In The N-Y-C

| 11 Nov 2014 | 01:33

    A new study by the City Council reveals that allowing pharmacies to sell emergency contraception over the counter rather than by prescription has been successful in helping to [reduce unwanted pregnancies] and abortions. Shocking, guess that’s the end of the whole supply and demand thing. EC, or Plan B, is a hormonal contraceptive that prevents pregnancy if taken within 72 hours after unprotected intercourse or contraceptive failure.

    This most recent report said that the City Council should make sure that city-run and non-profit clinics have EC available for free or for extremely cheap to low-income and undocumented women, including those under 18. A 2002 study found that EC may have saved 50,000 unborn babies from abortion in 2000 alone, which should make pro-lifers happy.