Mailbox: 02.24.10-03.02.10

| 13 Aug 2014 | 03:25

    on the cover: Illustration by Adam Kidder;

    This Week: Someone thinks Marilyn Manson should write movie reviews; The Hurt Locker 180 is questioned; and Negro is insulted.

    Hire the Antichrist Superstar

    I know you may have not heard this before, but I believe you probably should have fired Armond White a week before you hired him.Though impossible, I still think it is justified. Is it the controversy of having a critic that everyone hates? I mean, I understand that somewhat. It must help a bit, but honestly, he just called Scorsese a hack (“Shutter to Think,” Feb. 17-23). I don’t care if Scorsese’s next movie is good or bad, that is just shock value. Hire Marilyn Manson to do the movie reviews. He’s intelligent, and he’ll give shock value at the same time. Or hire me. My review of your reviewer is pretty good. I’d give it 7 out of 8 slices of Key Lime pie.Thank you for your time.

    —Nekrobomb Jones

    Poor Marty

    The article by Armond White was the best I’ve seen on Marty. It reflects what we’re all silently thinking—but afraid to say.

    —Susan Braudy, Upper West Side

    Hypocrisy is for Pussies

    First off, I am not emailing to write a complaint about Mr.White, who I’m sure draws a fair share of emails regarding his often unpopular stance on films.

    I am merely asking if at any point you considered asking Mr.White if he would explain his complete 180-turn on the film The Hurt Locker for one of his columns. In his initial review, he praised the film endlessly. In his review for District 9, however, he called it the “now-overrated The Hurt Locker” and has mentioned it as one of his least favorite movies of the year, and bashed it in reviews for Dear John and even recently in Valentine’s Day.

    Mr.White is entitled to his own opinions, but I think it somewhat damages his credibility by not explaining his sudden and drastic turn on what has become one of the best-reviewed films of the year.

    I know you are not able to answer for Mr. White, but I think the loyal entertainment readership of the New York Press is very curious as to the explana tion.

    I would be more than happy to ask him myself.

    —Andy Etzkorn Black is Enough

    Why did you have to use the word Negroes in your editorial? (Jamaal Young’s “Negro in the News,” Feb. 3-9). As if black and African-American aren’t bad enough. They don’t describe who we are! I don’t know your race, creed, nationality, religion or color, but I will speak my mind as the voice of 1 percent out of millions of our “kind” and say, that if you don’t know how to address us with respect by not using the words and the definitions that evil men of this world presented us with, and by ignorance without choice we accepted, then don’t ADDRESS “us” at all. Please don’t write literature to be published that will only keep a race that was kicked, spit at and held down, to remain fallen until infinity. I look forward to a more creative and socially responsible YOU!!

    —Sylfronia King . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Letters may be edited for size and form.