Let's Get This (Animation) Party Started
Maybe Ive just been in NYC too long, but I cant recall ever being as pleasantly surprised as I was when I got a table at [Morandi ]in less than three minutes without a reservation. I expected the usual non-committal host stand acknowledgment that Keith McNally restaurants are known for, especially when you tell them you have a party of five. Sometimes it pays to make a last-minute decision. I had just come from a group book reading at [Agave](http://www.agaveny.com/)which was also a last-minute decision, one that I was happy to make considering my alternative for the evening: a selection of dreary, uninspired gallery receptions for which I was having a hard time mustering up much enthusiasm.
Thankfully, I was able to catch the opening night of [The Animation Block Party], which took off with [Rooftop Films](http://www.rooftopfilms.com/) from Automotive High School in Williamsburg last night, featuring the music of [Demander](http://www.myspace.com/demander), free gin and whiskey at the [Bar Matchless](http://www.barmatchless.com/) after party and two diverse hours of animated shorts that varied in matter: sexual, violent and even fecal.
An annual festival of International short subjects, ABP focuses on the work that [most festivals are reluctant to show off.] One of my personal favorites was a pencil test styled short titled, The Return of Sargeant Pecker, by a new name on the scene, Pierre Delarue, whose work shares a suspiciously striking resemblance to longtime New York animation nutball, [John Dilworth](http://www.stretchfilms.com/ ). Sargeant Pecker, armed with a bulbous red erection and the emotionally disconnected enthusiam that Dilwor – I mean, Delarue, characters are known for, is constantly teased and rebuffed by a spread-eagled, thick-legged ladyfriend. The revelry continues this evening at [Pioneer Theater](http://www.twoboots.com/pioneer/) (after party at Julep), tomorrow night at [Galapagos Art Space ](http://www.galapagosartspace.com/)and closes Monday night at [BAM Cinematek](http://www.bam.org/events/bamcinematek.aspx), which is perfect for anyone like me, who cant wait until September for a fun party and an open bar.