Human Cock Guillotine Gets Off

| 11 Nov 2014 | 01:36

    The guy who both [illegally kept a pet rooster] and bit his head off may avoid doing hard time for his Ozzy Osbourne-esque sins. Apparently, first-offense foul decapitating doesn’t count, so if Humberto Rodriguez, 32, stays away from his feathered friends for the next six months, an [animal cruelty charge against him will be dismissed]( Last summer, Rodriguez was hauled into court after neighbors told ASPCA agents about a headless rooster chilling (well, dead) on a fire escape on W. 213th St. in Manhattan. According to court papers, Rodriguez told cops, “I bit the rooster’s neck. He died and then I cut its head off with a knife.” Apparently, Rodriguez was mad at the poor rooster because [it had attacked another pet](, his baby pigeon. Aw, how sweet. The rooster’s head has yet to be found.