High School Kids Drink ... And Worse

| 11 Nov 2014 | 01:32

    The New York Sun has a fascinating article today about a city survey from 2005 (what, it’s only two later) that found 28 percent of white students in local public high schools had [downed four or five drinks] in one sitting within the month prior to being questioned. Apparently, white students binge drink at much higher rates than those in other racial groups. Yeah, privileged my ass—can we say predisposed to alcoholism?

    The piece includes the following anecdote: “High school students in New York City have some of the world's greatest cultural attractions in their back yard. But they often spend their weekend nights acting like stereotypical students at a college surrounded by cornfields, tossing back drink after drink in what those who follow the situation say is a disturbing and dangerous epidemic of binge drinking.” Is it just us, or should students at colleges surrounded by cornfields be offended? And why don’t high schoolers spend their free time at the Met anyway? Well, at least our drinks columnist, [Joshua M. Bernstein], should be happy right about now.

    Apparently, in addition to drinking to relax, students point out that it allows them to overcome sexual inhibitions. Well, as long as they understand that. Wait, back up, high school kids have sex?!?

    Photo courtesy of [SMN on Flickr]