Guilt In a Box

| 11 Nov 2014 | 01:19

    Good intentions come and go but maybe they’ll last a little longer when they’re sent along in a DVD package. At least Ironweed sure hopes so. The concept is pretty simple: ship socially conscious docs to people who want to know what’s going on in the world but maybe aren’t going to make it out to the cinema for that teeny window of time the films are available for public consumption. For less than what it would cost for a couple to take in a film ($14.95), a DVD of progressive features and shorts arrives in the mail each month for you to consume at your leisure. To start the year off with a whimper, January’s selection is Black Gold, the doc that shows you where your gourmet coffee blend comes from, along with shorts that deal with the world’s most dangerous jobs and the reality behind the “fair trade” movement. Sound like a downer? Maybe, but when you’re feeling guilty about those reality TV DVDs clogging your Netflix queue, Ironweed shows up to remind you what you should really be guilty of, you big, bad consumer.