@BYTES1GHz Tech Brief: Nerds Love Holograms, Invent Ways To Touch Them

| 16 Feb 2015 | 09:45

    .[@BYTES1GHz](https://email.manhattanmedia.com/owa/redir.aspx?C=6f7bfa1519d94f61bcfbbac1a399f316&URL=http%3a%2f%2ftwitter.com%2fBYTES1GHz) is a single serving of undigested tech for the unfocused and/or unconcerned. Don't be disappoint. Like. Enjoy. Today's Tech Brief: Nerds Love Holograms, Invent Ways To Touch Them #WhutItDo: Well this is awesome: If I could read Japanese, I'd try to summarize what these nerds are doing with all those electronics and funky boxes and ugly finger accessories. But since I can't I'll just say that it looks like they're abusing a fairy. #FutureOfStuff: If you can't think of potential uses for totally rad interactive holograms, I feel sorry for you. Go watch Star Trek: The Next Generation. Or just show this video to a hentai fan and prepare to be disturbed.