Axe And You Shall Receive

| 11 Nov 2014 | 01:38

    Forget lawyers, police or a little time apart, New Yorkers have decided to start settling their domestic disputes with axes. For the second time in seven weeks, a lovers’ quarrel ended with an axe-attack in the Empire State. Stephen Abbott, 40, [assaulted his girlfriend], Darlene Grice, and her lover with an axe after finding them in his bed early Sunday morning. Grice, 44, suffered a head wound, while her lover, the 34-year old Carlos Derby of Harriman, needed surgery to repair a skull fracture and is in critical condition. Abbott fled the scene and was not apprehended. Nonetheless, his girlfriend was very forgiving, saying Grice was still her boyfriend despite the attack. That’s right, you stand by your man! 

    The attack comes seven weeks to the day after a Cambridge man tried to [kill his wife] with an axe, but also managed to just fracture her skull. Despite it’s gruesome nature, this trend could be good for more even-tempered New Yorkers, who should now see the price of couples’ therapy drop since state residents are turning to alternative methods of problem solving.