#1 2007 Most Loathsome

| 11 Nov 2014 | 01:00

    On last week's list of "The 50 Most Loathsome New Yorkers," supermodel Naomi Campbell clocked in at only No. 33. As we explained, her life story continues to unspoolWhether hurling courtesy phones at minimum-wage employees long before the Gladiator thought of it, pushing assistants out of moving vehicles or attacking airline passengers years before al-Qaeda, La Campbell has always been ahead of her time. Well, it was merely a matter of hours after the issue hit the streets that the Size 1 Joan Crawford found it in her dried-up little liposuctioned heart to prove us right once again, by hurling a crystal-encrusted Blackberry at her upstairs maid's head, after mistakenly accusing the poor woman of stealing a pair of jeans. Campbell was handcuffed and dragged off to jail, where she of course turned her perp walk into a media event,

    Maybe we shouldn't be too proud of our prescience. After all, when the woman's losing her nut in some very public manner every other week, you know it's just a matter of time. If you ask us, it seems like she's getting just a little too comfortable with her crazy entitled bitch image.

    Things got even crazier before the week was up. On Sunday morning, it was reported, she showed up in South Africa for a meeting with Nelson Mandela. And why in the hell is she meeting with Nelson Mandela? Why, as a representative of UNICEF, of course. Makes sense, we supposewe just hope that none of those kids are near a crystal-encrusted cellphone when she's doing her charity work.